Just under 12 months ago I was speaking with a group of young people on our festival ground about an hour before Ev. Matty Russell preached the gospel. I was glad they were with us however, their guard was still up as they stood reserved, at the back end of the field. As Ev Matty began to share his testimony in lyric and song, these young ones were drawn in.
Friend, that is the power of testimony, the power of the Gospel which is the power unto salvation.
Please be free to share this email or any of our content so that we may spread the word. Frankly, I have no interest in promoting a music festival, a brand or a speaker. But what I must do, and will go to the grave doing, is to preach the gospel. FMF is a platform for artists, speakers and talent as well as a great community engagement. However, at its core, is the proclamation of the gospel.
God bless you,