How you can join with us and support our ministry
Jesus King of Kings Evangelistic Ministries Prayer & Support Network
If you feel the specific call to partner in this capacity, we invite you to join the Jesus King of Kings Prayer & Support Network. Prayer is an imperative given by Jesus to see that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven, thus, it is our commitment to seeing each aspect of the ministry covered in prayer.
To join our Prayer & Support Network please subscribe to our mailing list and indicate your interest, specifically in intercession. We will be able to keep you up to date with crusade meetings, general information, and important points in need of breakthrough.

Jesus King of Kings Evangelistic Ministries Financial Support Partners
Your financial partnership is vital in seeing the lost won to Jesus. The ongoing crusade meetings, street outreaches, mission trips in the nature of travelling ministry; each require financial partnership. This year provides the opportunity to expand the ministry through personnel and equipment in order to reach many and a greater harvest of souls. As the Lord permits, the ministry will push further and into more locations impacting the nation for Jesus.
We invite you to please consider your financial contribution to the ministry of Jesus King of Kings Evangelistic Ministries.