Founder Greeting
Jesus King of Kings Evangelistic Ministries
Jesus King of Kings Evangelistic Ministries is a travelling evangelistic ministry with the spearhead focus of winning souls for Jesus. Our calling is to preach the gospel of Christ crucified, proclaiming and demonstrating His holy power. We seek to work with the local body of believers in growing the eternal Kingdom of God. We share a burning desire for regional Australia and want to see salvation sweep through the Land in Jesus’ name.
Our trips are centred on seeking the voice and heart of God for communities. As an evangelistic ministry, our focus is the harvest. We seek to compliment the outreach activity of local churches bringing evangelistic aid, encouragement, and refreshment for our co-labourers. Jesus King of Kings Evangelistic Ministries brings a team of intercessors, musicians, and prophetic ministry to immerse communities in atmosphere of heaven, bringing the saving hope of Jesus Christ.
According to the need of each town, we offer a range of activities with the aim of community engagement; a front door to the kingdom of heaven. However, our focus is hosting outdoor, crusade-style meetings, where the gospel is proclaimed in worship, word and power. We have a team of prayer walkers and street evangelists who reach out to the community and direct people to Jesus through our connection to local churches.
God bless you,
Jackson-Leigh Rathbone