All glory to God in the highest what a blessing to know and to love Him. Happy new year, I pray that you find a closer walk with Jesus as we all journey with Him.
Revive 21
The Lord has continually burdened my heart to speak to His people. Thus, He has led us to an event, which I believe will be an ongoing movement. We are excited to host Revive 21, February 20-21. In the lead up I believe the Lord called for a 21-day Consecration fast, starting February 1st until the 21st. As a partner of ours, I ask you to please consider what the Lord may have you fast for the 21 days. I am joyfully aware that many others across the country have heard the same word.

The Lord, very strongly, has spoken the word "consecrate" to me at this time. Perhaps you are not called to a full water fast, however, if the word resonates with you I ask you to seek the Lord about what He may direct you to abstain from. "Consecrate" means to make holy, prepared and put into order for the ministry of the Lord. There are many and varied opinions about fasting. One thing I highlight is to seek the Lord's voice, purely for the sake of intimacy with Him. It's been said, and I believe it to be true, "fasting without prayer is merely starvation". The greatest joy in life is to know and be known by the Lord.
I will share more on Revive 21 in the coming weeks.
A Personal Note
It is my delight to share that Casie and I were privileged to be married on January 16th. Casie has been a faithful friend; she has the sincerest heart I've met. She is the most beautiful, caring lady and lover of Jesus, and I am blessed beyond measure to spend this life preaching and living the gospel together with her. We've had amazing prophetic encounters and faith journey to come to this point. But in short, I leave you with this point, a profound point - God has a more excellent way (see 1 Corinthians 12-13). We appreciate your prayers as we continue this journey together for the glory of King Jesus.

We have much ahead to achieve this year in the grace of the Lord. I look forward to patterning with you further.
Together in the Harvest,