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March Newsletter

Greetings in the great name of our Lord Jesus, I pray you are blessed. I thank you for your consistency in prayer and your love for our Lord Jesus - to Him be the glory and honour forever Amen.

I always enjoy writing to you in the hope that I may add some encouragement to you by faith. We have a tremendous opportunity to remain in faith, in agreement with the word of God. We agree with you for wholeness, health, healing, and provision. I know not one of you will go without, and I agree for good health in Jesus name. Our God is a mighty healer, a mighty redeemer and the God who provides.

I write to you in a more general sense today, highlighting some of the things surrounding our ministry as well as some personal points for reflection.

CfaN Bootcamp Orlando

Firstly, Bootcamp is over halfway complete. It has been insightful and inspiring viewing the inner workings a such a faith-filled, high functioning soul-winning machine. Before the current lockdown situation in the state of Florida (where I currently reside), we've been holding weekly outreaches continuing to see the Lord move, touching people with healing and salvation. I add, despite the lockdown, God is still moving, in our visits to shops and through our prayers. The past couple of weeks, like many of you, I'm sure, our classes have been online. CfaN intends to move forward at this stage, while, discussions are in place for our Kenya trip. I cannot stress enough the importance of unwavering faith. We must preach the Gospel, this is a priority command from Jesus, and we believe for creative solutions and open doors.

Freedom Tour Online

Speaking of creative solutions, Freedom Tour has, like many gatherings, found is its way online. Be sure to catch up with the guys online via our Facebook page to hear a catalogue of songs and Gospel message.

Street Eagles - Street Outreach

Before the current ban on gatherings in parks, including our beloved Gympie skatepark, Street Eagles continued to make its mark in town each week. Our team is maintaining relationships with our regular youth via social platforms and media. Thank you for your prayers for this ministry.

The Present situation

I am deeply encouraged by the way our God continues to move across the earth. Whether deep in prayer, hidden in the secret place, or blessing someone in a drive-through or supermarket line, God is there with us in every moment. If you know King Jesus as Lord and saviour, you are set apart from the rest of the world. Indeed, you are on the front foot. Nothing is a surprise to God, and therefore, for His children, nothing is a surprise. I have little to say regarding the virus situation; in my opinion, it's been given far too much airtime. Jesus is King.

Family, our job does not change. As long as Jesus is who He says He is, we continue with our commission. Yes, there are practical considerations, and on that note, for those concerned for my well-being, I am in good health and enjoy seeking Jesus in the secret place, albeit in Orlando; I pray the same be true for you.

I firmly believe, now is the season to recalibrate, seek the Lord and His will for your next season, ask him to show you the condition of your heart. Reprioritise and take stock of relationships, projects and careers, consider the eternal implication of each investment and pursuit. Go deep into your values, find what is of real worth and plan to allocate time accordingly. Dream and submit each one to the Lord, aspirations for the next season. Seek His voice and commit to Him in obedience. This season could be one of the most critical times in your life; it could save you much pain and loss in the future. My encouragement, use it this time. God will provide and heal. He loves you.

Looking ahead

Again, I thank you for your prayers offered in faith and your practical contributions. It is wonderful to share together in victories for the Kingdom. I want you to know that you are in my prayers and my gratitude abounds. We have much to achieve.

Among various other pursuits, we've now begun initial planning for Freedom Music Festival, Calico Creek to be held this December. We're looking forward to seeing this event grow, reaching more across the region. I look forward to sharing more detail on some exciting ventures in the coming months.

Thank you for everything you are and everything you do. I will be writing to you soon to keep you informed on further developments. Let us run the race marked out before us with unswerving faith, growing in the knowledge of the goodness of God.

I bless you with health, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

God bless you, J-L


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Jesus King of Kings
Evangelistic Ministries Pty Ltd

Jesus King of kings is a travelling evangelistic ministry with the spearhead focus of winning souls for Jesus. Our calling is to preach the gospel of Christ crucified, proclaiming and demonstrating His holy power.

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