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January Newsletter

It is with joy that I bring you this brief update from Orlando, Florida, USA. It has been an eventful beginning to the year as I will explain briefly. We serve a mighty God. The phrase, ‘God of wonders’, is no overstatement; awesome in power, mighty to save, strong to deliver, is our God. 

I begin by acknowledging your support in reading this notice, your intercession and your financial and practical contributions. I am grateful for you, your time and offerings. This most precious gospel work with which the Lord has honoured us, is of utmost importance so thank you, sincerely, for sharing in this grace – we need you.  

Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp, Orlando, Florida Jan - June

Braid heads from Orlando up to Washington DC for a few days and another conference, before returning home to continue outreaches in and around Sydney. I, on the other hand, have five additional months with CfaN as part of their ‘Evangelism Boot Camp’ program. As mentioned, I’ll remain here in Orlando for four months before travelling to Kenya for a three-week gospel campaign. We are conducting weekly outreaches, and I have begun to capitalise on the opportunity of connecting with local churches here to further the work of JKOKEM at a later stage. od. Incidentally, ‘ministering’ is another word for being a normal Christian.  

Braid heads from Orlando up to Washington DC for a few days and another conference, before returning home to continue outreaches in and around Sydney. I, on the other hand, have five additional months with CfaN as part of their ‘Evangelism Boot Camp’ program. As mentioned, I’ll remain here in Orlando for four months before travelling to Kenya for a three-week gospel campaign. We are conducting weekly outreaches, and I have begun to capitalise on the opportunity connecting with local churches here to further the work of JKOKEM at a later stage. 

I’ve been able to meet many other evangelists and ministers from around the world with similar hearts for the Gospel and the lost. Perhaps, at times, the manifestation of passion is different, though clearly the same Holy Spirit. I believe we are in the days of numerous ministry, mass-harvest evangelism. Sitting in a room, walking the streets and shops with Holy Spirit evangelists from around the world is a great inspiration and encouragement. God is alive, and there is power in the blood of Jesus. 

Pray for my time here. Pray for the sowing of the Gospel here in Orlando; by the Lord’s grace, we’ve already had many Holy Spirit encounters. Please pray for our weekly outreaches, as the Holy Spirit touches this hurting city. 

Please take time to watch this video to understand the scope of the ministry of CfaN.

Freedom Tour 

As alluded to, Braid Rathbone is well on the way with preparations for some specific outreaches including a March/April tour on the Northern NSW coast. 

Braid will be joined by Sam Hornshaw (music) and his band and ministry team as they continue Freedom Tour with original tunes, the preaching of the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Please stay up today date with the social media and website to observe their specific whereabouts. Pray also for their preparations, open doors and following harvest. 

Street Eagles 

We are excited to say that our newly branded street outreach ministry ‘Street Eagles’ is off to a ‘flying’ start (yes, yes). This year Casie Webb and her team continue to minister to our hometown, Gympie, weekly. It is a joy to receive updates regarding the continued breakthrough in this area. The youth of Gympie continue to be blessed and loved, many now a regular part of the church in town as well as other discipleship groups. Thank you for supporting this most valuable venture. Please pray for continued harvest and growth here as the Gospel is preached in word and deed.

Going forward - It is worth the cost!

Allow me to share a seed that’s been planted in my heart. We must see from Heaven’s perspective; If we should forget, return to the eyes of Jesus. God will call each of us according to the grace He has placed on our lives. To clarify, grace, in this context, refers to a power we’ve been given in a particular area - a calling. There is no greater joy than to walk in fellowship with Christ in the call that He has given. This is the truth; it is worth the cost. Each of us is called to sacrifice if we want to follow Jesus. We must rid the notion that there is no cost for us in the Gospel. Yes, Jesus paid the price for our salvation; however, we are called to lay down our mortal lives to receive the eternal and rightful one He has purchased for us. Me, I am in deep, and going deeper still. I believe I’m only beginning to see the cost involved with the Gospel. Personally, and corporately, we are blessed, we have no complaint, no lack and no want; we are children of the Most High. 

It comes down to one phrase, ‘Yes, Lord’. ‘Yes, Lord’, is the faith key that unlocks the abundance of Heaven. ‘Yes, Lord’, is the surrender that finds peace. ‘Yes, Lord’, is the invitation for the anointing to break the yoke. An exhortation, say ‘yes, Lord’, and say it every day. We have no time to waste. Whatever you have in your hand, there is no better place for it than at the feet of Jesus. 

God Bless you so much; I love you, 



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Jesus King of Kings
Evangelistic Ministries Pty Ltd

Jesus King of kings is a travelling evangelistic ministry with the spearhead focus of winning souls for Jesus. Our calling is to preach the gospel of Christ crucified, proclaiming and demonstrating His holy power.

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