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God is so Good! FMF 2020

Jackson-Leigh Rathbone

As 2020 hastens to a close, we are thanking the Lord for His faithfulness; He is always good, He is always kind, He is always loving. We have just witnessed another wonderful Freedom Music Festival. So many highlights; great provision in the weather and all who attended.

3 Partner Churches

15 Gospel artists perform across the two days

30 volunteers

60+ attended "Run With the Fire Meeting" including 27 activated in street evangelism

100+ responses to the gospel including 13 registered first-time commitments and 27 Recommitments and others wanting to go deeper in their personal conviction

609 in attendance across the two days

I personally witnessed one young boy come forward, obviously deeply moved. I later heard how he had been so challenged to make his faith a reality for himself. I spoke to other young people who had just given their lives to the Lord with beaming faces, who, without question had seen the light. Many were set free from anxiety, visibly moved by the power of the gospel, the reality of the freedom found in salvation.

I want to thank our FMF family who works so hard and has done for the last two months in particular. They have done at least 10 pre-outreaches, set up grounds, built trailers, hosted 3 partner events and raised support.

Thank you...

Event Sponsors,

Ray & Shirley Mountfort

New Life Collective

Cooloola Christian College

Cooloola Coast Service Centre

Pesart Art and Ceramics

Kingdom Financial

Partner Churches

New Life Collective

Noosa Church

Church of Christ Gympie

Please stay connected for event photos which will be available shortly.

What's Next?

As I attempt to reflect I instead, can't help to look forward. There is much to be seen that has not yet occurred in our land. We press forward, to that which we have not yet taken hold. I know that now is the time for the harvest and the greatest is still ahead. It is my joy to run with you in the preaching of the gospel, to see salvation reaching the homes and hearts of our people.

I pray that you know the blessing of the Lord in this season and always.



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Jesus King of Kings
Evangelistic Ministries Pty Ltd

Jesus King of kings is a travelling evangelistic ministry with the spearhead focus of winning souls for Jesus. Our calling is to preach the gospel of Christ crucified, proclaiming and demonstrating His holy power.

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