Warm greetings to you in Jesus Name. It is greatly encouraging to observe saints in action all across the earth. Each one in pursuit of the Lord, His Kingdom and righteousness, preaching the eternal hope of the Gospel. It is indeed a wonderful hour for this most precious message.
God has called us to soar with the eagles, seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. As you know, by faith in the blood of Jesus, we access freedom from sin, shame and condemnation. Once we point our 'eyes of faith' in the right direction, we begin to see from our Heavenly Father's perspective. There are always two perspectives to choose from, faith or fear - we can either agree with God or the enemy; we will serve one or the other. I am grateful for faith-filled saints such as yourself to enter into this glorious hope.
I trust you enjoy the following release entitled "Eagle's Wings". This is the first single release in a new season for songwriting and creative arts for JESUS King of Kings Ev. M. The Eagle's Wings single will be followed in September by a 5 track EP.
You can access Eagles Wings on all platforms.
Why music? Well, it's one of the powerful tools we have to break the barries bridging the gap to the unreached. We are launching in the coming months Eternity Records which, for the immediate future, will function as a Christian artist booking and management service. ET's primary aim is to get the Gospel into the ears and hearts of our nation, sending Christian, Gospel preaching artists around the country and world.

Street Eagles, Street Outreach (Weekly)
Come to the River Nights (weekly) - Gospel Message Evangelistic Outreach (check JKokEM Facebook for updates)
Seed Unto Harvest, Mighty Men of the Southlands, Gayndah, QLD September 4-6 - Worship Leading
Freedom Tour Sunshine Coast October/November
FREEDOM MUSIC FESTIVAL partner luncheon - October 8, Gunabul Homestead - contact info@Jesuskingofkings.com for tickets
Freedom Music Festival December 10-12
" I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.
1 Corinthians 1: 4-7
Thank you again for partnering in the most worthy cause of the Gospel.
God Bless you richly,