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April Newsletter

Jackson-Leigh Rathbone

I write to you from Orlando, Florida, I pray you are blessed as you receive this update. I thank you on behalf of all who are connected to our ministry. Your prayers and support are vital in the Kingdom of heaven. Even at this time, we are seeing people saved, healed and blessed. I feel many of us are being trained and schooled in the things of God in preparation for the next season. You make this possible; without your continued loyal partnership, we would neither be seeing the fruit nor laying the foundation for the great harvest that it is coming. We have much on the go; CfaN BootCamp (J-L USA), Freedom Tour Online, preparations for Freedom Tour and Freedom Music Festival December 2020. My sincerest thanks for your ongoing commitment to the Gospel.

I feel People are hungry for the gospel; many are seeking the truth, and we have the answer. I share one encounter I had with a shopfloor worker in a grocery store. I thanked him for the job he was doing; he preceded to express his despair and hopelessness. The Lord Jesus touched him powerfully, bringing him to tears in the isle of the shop. He surrendered his life to Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit; all glory to God.

Freedom Tour

Braid and his crew are doing a fantastic job engaging with the online platform, preaching the gospel through hosting our online Freedom Tour.

Be sure to keep up with Freedom Tour Online until which time we can hit the ground running.

Sam and Braid - Freedom Tour Online

Feature: Street Eagles w/ Casie Webb

As you would appreciate, it has been difficult to minister in our usual capacity at present due to the lockdown. Casie Webb (SE Leader) shared some reflections with us concerning our Street Eagles ministry and broader kingdom concepts. Casie expressed a great need for the fullness of the gospel, the power to touch the broken and introduce them to true hope. Casie highlighted the need for all believers to recognise the responsibility to love the one in front of them, displaying the heart of Jesus. She suggests that Christian's are not to be

merely a charity, but instead, have the privilege and responsibility to introduce people to the person of Jesus. "Jesus' disciples, they were with him; eating with him, watching him pray, watching him heal. My heart's changed [we need to be] doing more of than being a charity, spending more time with them [young people], at the table" Casie remarked.

JKoKEM shares this desire; this is our heart burden. We must teach people the way of the Kingdom, the practicals are good but "what does it profit a man if he gains the world but forfeits his soul?"

Casie went on to say "We actually have to change culture at the same time. It’s been religion, religion, religion; it needs to be relationship. Their [many young people's] mindset is, 'anyone who believes in Jesus is religious'." I share this lament. How true it is, we need a real saviour with real power to heal and restore, and we need Him now! I believe that's what the young people have seen through the ministry of Street Eagles. They've met the One with the real answer shining through the eyes of our people; His name is Jesus.

I thank all of our team for the way they love Jesus and love people; it is such a blessing to be surrounded by so many wonderful people (although they may be on the other side of the world).

Thank you again for walking with us in this most precious ministry. Please continue to pray for the harvest and our preparations for the rest of the year. Personally, my plan is to remain here in Orlando until the competition of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp on the 5th of June.

Whatever may come, let the name of Jesus be glorified, amen.

Blessings of the richest kind,


Praying in the streets after an outreach -many lives touched
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Jesus King of Kings
Evangelistic Ministries Pty Ltd

Jesus King of kings is a travelling evangelistic ministry with the spearhead focus of winning souls for Jesus. Our calling is to preach the gospel of Christ crucified, proclaiming and demonstrating His holy power.

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