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3 Weeks to Go Until FMF 2020

Jackson-Leigh Rathbone

Yes, just under three weeks to go. But before we get there, our Battle of the Bands competition continues to make its mark at Gympie Skatepark. We have seen a number of artists grace the stage, and we look forward to what is to come. This week we are blessed to be joined by Freedom Music Festival feature, heavy rock band, "Hezekiah". Hezekiah was a crowd favourite at last year's festival and are certain to create a buzz again.

Of course, we are all about gathering people to hear the gospel. It has been the privilege of my team and I to be sharing the gospel, the saving grace of Jesus, each week. We are seeing a number of salvations and healings. Just before I got up to preach two weeks ago (at the Band Comp stage) a young man came past with back pain. The Lord healed his back right there and he came up to the stage to testify - praise the Lord! May we continue to see the power of the preaching of the gospel and signs and wonders that follow.

Feature Team Member - Koby (age 14)

It has been a pleasure to have Koby so involved, especially in our skatepark Street Eagles ministry. Here is a brief comment from Koby as he explains his involvement in ministering to his town. (I reckon he'll make a great gospel preacher as well!)

"My name is Koby, once every week for over a year I have been going to the skate park and helping any way I can. I've done everything from handing out water bottles, to setting up equipment for the battle of the bands. And when the time comes I will be helping at the Freedom Music Festival on December 11 to 12. I'm looking forward to seeing you there, have a blessed day."

Amen, thank you, Koby.

Thank you again for your prayer and support. I pray you are blessed,


Upcoming Ministry

- Street Eagles weekly outreach 5 pm Gympie skatepark including FMF Battle of the Bands

- Noosa Schoolies outreach (various days) until the 6th of December

- J-L Ministering Lighthouse Church Bauple Sunday 29th November

- J-L Ministering Church of Christ Gympie Sunday 6th December

- Freedom Music Festival 11-12 December


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Jesus King of Kings
Evangelistic Ministries Pty Ltd

Jesus King of kings is a travelling evangelistic ministry with the spearhead focus of winning souls for Jesus. Our calling is to preach the gospel of Christ crucified, proclaiming and demonstrating His holy power.

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