It's with joy that I send this brief update — what a fabulous couple of months. God is good; the day is new, filled with new mercy. Undoubtedly one of the greatest, if not the greatest, joys in life is the daily experience of knowing God. He is amazing. He is creative, romantic, life-giving, hope-creating; He is the farthest thing from religious. He is wonderful.
During November and December, we've been out in towns, around the Gympie, Sunshine Coast and South Burnett region in the lead up to Freedom Music Festival. We saw many people touched by the Gospel and much gospel seed sown. We continue to encounter folks from all walks of life. It amazes me, no matter the need, the Gospel is the answer to every situation. The Blood of Jesus is able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, His broken body able to heal every wound.
We continue to see breakthrough in town (Gympie) with the softening of young hearts to the Gospel. On a personal note, I remember, vividly, arriving in Gympie around four years ago. The very first time I visited my heart was moved, for particularly the lost young ones around town, much like the lost boys who hung with Peter Pan. Many of these fatherless ones now have the most wonderful Father of all. We continue to walk with them, and God makes available, connections and avenues for follow up. What God is doing is much richer than ministry connections; we are seeing God build a family. We are seeing Him restore what the locusts have eaten. Rather than a sterile ministry institution or machine, God is breathing life into what was dead. He is giving hope and purpose to these young, previously wandering young ones - Glory to God. My deepest gratitude for the friends and family that surround this Kingdom movement - you are wonderful.

Freedom Music Festival
JKoKEV's inaugural Freedom Music Festival was a fabulous success. People came, God moved, and the captives were set free. I'm so grateful to our incredible team who, not only worked diligently and gave generously, but gelled together like no other. One of my greatest joys is seeing the Kingdom of Heaven manifest on earth. I believe it brings joy to the Father's heart when His children operate in the 'body-like' fashion that He intended from before the dawn of time.

The music was legitimately fantastic, better than I anticipated. We saw so many young and emerging artists writing quality pieces, commanding the stage, and drawing people past themselves straight to Jesus. Apart from the tangible, practical impact, which I dearly appreciate, the statement that Freedom Music Festival made cannot be underestimated. God is alive, He is overflowing with joy and peace, He is healing and deliverance, and He is alive outside of the Sunday morning Box - let's be real.
Our Ministry vision breakfast was a powerful time of sharing and and looking forward. I was blessed by the eagerness of all who came to share in part of the Lord's work through this particular ministry vehicle. I have complete confidence in the vision ahead, the conviction He has given for the direction of the ministry and its various entities that continue to plough, sow and harvest. Most importantly, I have confidence in God, who continues to provide and light the path. Please email the ministry to find out more about specific vision details we'd only be to happy to get you up to date.

Charleville and Quilpie
It's always great to catch up with our friends in Charleville and Quilpie. We were able to hold two outreach events in the respective towns. So wonderful to see our friends Sam and Latasha pastoring Charleville COC, bringing such warmth to their family and community there. Of course, our friends Dan & Brooke Bain and David Do making an incredible effort flying the Kingdom flag in Quilpe, heals in the ground, and pressing forward. The Nation is dry; the western regions display this tenfold. Times are tough; God is good. These people are brothers and sisters, and they feed our country. God bless inland Australia.

Next year partnership
I'm often asked by folks how they can support our ministry. I sincerely appreciate the question; it is an honour and blessing to know that you are concerned with sharing the vision and partnering in the harvest. Though it may sound facetious, the answer to me is straightforward. Partner in whatever way God instructs you. God has spoken to me with great clarity about the calling, of which we continue to see increasing fruit. I know what needs to be done, and I know what He wants to do. Your partnership is vital in this work; that's the way He has designed the Kingdom. Next year we are (at least) doubling our ministry effort. God is a "glory to glory" God; He is a grower and expander. Thus we have no option but to follow Him continuing to press forward. I'll be in Orlando, USA with Christ for all Nations for January - June, attending CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp, conducting weekly outreaches and travelling to Africa.
Braid Rathbone and his team, will take Freedom Tour into West Sydney, Nothern NSW and QLD, sharing music and the Gospel in schools, youth groups and pubs. Casie Webb will continue to look after the JKofKEV Street Eagles ministry team touring skate parks in around Gympie. We will be holding Freedom Music Festival in several locations in 2020, which is immensely exciting. As you can appreciate, there are many considerations as we expand our effort. So, thank you again for your prayer and financial support.
I look forward to bringing you further updates throughout the years. Please connect with our website, facebook page and podcast for ongoing updates.
I leave you with this brief exhortation as we lean into the New Year.
"Seek the Lord while he may be found." Is 55:6
"And when you pray, go into your closet and pray to your Father who is unseen... He will reward you for what is done in secret." Matt 6:6
"He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Heb 11:6
God Bless you richly,