Greetings, I pray you are well, full of life and inspiration. I thank the Lord for you, and all you do in prayer and support. I come to you with a brief update for the first half of this month, September.

The Lord has been moving powerfully in our community, Gympie and the surrounds. As mentioned in my last update, we have continued to intensify our outreach commitment in town. We have seen a number receive salvation and many form positivity relationships. Apart from the day to day witness, our weekly skatepark outreach and monthly meetings in the town park, in cooperation with (church) New Life Collective, have seen continued momentum. I cannot overstate the need for the gospel and Kingdom engagement amongst the youth in our town.
I am grateful for our Kingdom family around the area, who consistently love and serve Jesus; Each uniquely gifted, finding their groove. It is a pleasure to serve alongside enthusiastic, generous and diligent workers who exalt King Jesus in word and deed. I thank the work of Kim and Cheree Hughes (New Life Collective) and, Joel and Emily Edwards (Dayspring Farm, hosts of many events), among others, for their partnership and commitment in current and future projects. I mention Casie Webb, who in particular, has welcomed increased responsibility for the skatepark outreach, emanating the love of Jesus so profoundly. Please continue to pray for this branch of ministry. There are so many in need of Jesus; in need of healing, freedom from addiction and anger.
Ministry Introduction Video
I am pleased to present to you our ministry introduction video. Although brief, it captures the heart of JESUS King of Kings Ev. M. This video is a valuable tool in communicating our message, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank James Wood for his quality work - see for details.
Looking Forward
I have several projects on the horizon. October's, Far North, QLD trip is less than a month away. I will be heading up with Freedom Tour. I am anticipating a time filled with Holy Spirit encounter as we deliver the Gospel of hope. I'm excited to be venturing into new territory, forming new Kingdom partnerships and sowing the Gospel in new ground. Additionally, I am linking with several other Kingdom projects, throughout QLD, all of which I will keep you notified as they progress.
Freedom Music Festival
It is with much joy that I present to you the first-ever, FREEDOM MUSIC FESTIVAL. In some ways, this project is an exclamation mark on Freedom Tour (which will continue to run next year), though it forms part of a broader directive from the Lord. In short, FMF Dayspring Farm will run over the 7th and 8th of December, hosting musicians from around the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. We are privileged to be including worship from Dayspring Worship (Sydney).

The concept for this music festival has been months in the working following a clear directive from the Lord earlier in January this year. The festival will host Christian music artists covering an array of genres. I am pleased with the amount of emerging talent we will give air to as they each share the wonder of Jesus through their music. Please stay connected with various media to see participating artists in the coming weeks. I look forward with anticipation to the people the Lord will bring to this environment, to be surrounded by gospel music bringing life, hope and freedom. There will be numerous fire-filled gospel messages, altar-call opportunities and ministry opportunities.
Can I please invited you to pray for harvest at this event? Please also pray for the provision of resource and a clear path in preparation. I am a firm believer in the biblical foundation for mass harvest evangelism. I love the one-on-one and believe in seeking and taking each opportunity to connect people with the source of life, King Jesus. I also know that in this day, we need to see the multitudes. I ask for your covering as I venture into this territory.
I have faith in God in His unfailing character. I know (and am learning) what He is capable of, and I know that He desires to set the captives free. I value, so much, your unity in prayer and support for this mission. God is at work. Please know that you share in the reward of this particular ministry. Whether you pray or give or even think about this work, I believe that you are beneficiaries in the harvest, united with us through the bond of Christ. We need Jesus - we can do this. Bless you and Thank you, J-L