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July - South West, QLD, Freedom Tour

Jackson-Leigh Rathbone

I always love coming back from a trip, car covered in dust, carpet full of grass, empty water bottles in the footwells; evidence the gospel has been preached. I pray that God sends nourishment as souls wrestle with the truth, ultimately bowing to King Jesus.

I am pleased to report; the Gospel has been preached faithfully throughout various places in regional Queensland. I am asking that you join me in praying and pressing for more fruit.

Josh, Braid, Joey, J-L and Sam.

I took a team of brothers out through South West QLD, into (for me) some uncharted territory. Thanks to the opening and platform created by music, we were able to establish some meaningful connections in both churches and outback hotels.

There is nothing like playing in Church Sunday morning then in the Local Hotel on Sunday Night - that is right. The same Gospel brings the same saving and healing power to whatever circumstance. We played in several remote hotels earning good favour with owners and patrons. Although it was evident that our message of hope did not always dovetail with some of the opinions of hotel patrons, I am pleased that they have, at very least, heard the truth of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

We saw several healings on the way, including one lady in a wheelchair who felt tingles down her legs after we prayed, she was whipped away by a disgruntled carer before we could finish the Job - get them, Lord Jesus!

We delivered the Gospel throughout the (music) sets we played at each hotel. As indicated, some patrons, I believe, were confronted by the truth and left. However, many were at least open to listening to our testimony through song and word. I thank my guys here, who worked well together making quick and deep connections with many listeners.

JKok ev. ministries now has some solid connections and rapport with Hotel owners. God is making way for us, via quality, well-crafted music, to preach the uncompromised Gospel in pubs in outback Australia - I am thankful for this favour, may it continue. This model of outreach is a personal pursuit and a dream of mine; I am beginning to see it bare fruit.

Charleville COC, Charleville, QLD

I sensed some of the places had barely been touched by the Gospel, at least for a long time. In some towns no evidence of Church except for an abandoned church building; this moves my heart.

I ask for your prayers on this matter. I feel like we are on the verge of something special, at very least in my personal assignment, if not as part of a larger Kingdom plan. I can see that the Lord is sending me (us) to the 'forgotten' places (this was a word one of our crew had in prayer - and boy did it resonate). One night I shared the reason we played in a particular hotel. I said that God had brought us to play at the forgotten places "you are not forgotten; God sees you and knows you", I declared. How privileged we are to deliver a message to such beautifully-hearted authentic people in need of the salvation of Jesus.

As I mentioned, we experienced such supernatural favour with the hotel owners in each venue. As far as they indicated, they are not yet believers, but they were indeed appreciative of the spirit we carry - the Holy Spirit, Himself.

As I reflect, I realise again, that people are so hungry for the Holy Spirit; to be loved by God with everlasting love. That's what we preach, that's what we bring - the Love of God, not religion! There's a thing or two we can learn from the way these guys do community! But, we need Jesus. The further I get into this, the simpler my message gets. We Need Jesus! I don't care what your meeting looks like or which day it's on or what jeans you wear; you need Jesus, we need Jesus.

I had the privilege of meeting new pastor friends in Longreach, pastors, Ben and Janelle Kent. I was so encouraged by their new fire. It was great to have them ministering out on the streets and the park with us. I look forward to these partnerships continuing to deepen and grow. God is moving in profound ways across our country.

Reach Church, Longreach QLD

Looking Forward

I have several musical endeavours on the horizon, one of which is the recording of the Freedom Tour title track. Funnily enough, its called "Freedom". Although mild in manner, this tune has become somewhat of an anthem, highlighting the liberation found in the Spirit of God. The track is to become part of the promotion for speaking and musical engagements in high schools around the country. On that note, I will be continuing to accept opportunities to speak and play at schools in the coming months. I have begun to see the power of this opportunity, which is just as valid as any.

I was privileged to share music at a meeting in Bundaberg over the past weekend, which saw some 30 decisions for Christ, thanks to the power of God delivered through Evangelist Matt Russell. It is clear to me that the current youth generation is tiring of cliché remarks and falsehood. I see a sharp and eager young people, hungry for truth and in need of heavenly affirmation. The Gospel is the answer - we need Jesus.

Cooper Creek, Windorah, QLD

That's the message going forward - in case I haven't been clear, we need Jesus! I appreciate your prayers and partnership. I thank you for bearing witness to the joy and peace of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged, the work has merely begun, and we've great days ahead.

Please pray for the next couple of months worth of meetings, speaking and performance engagements. I will be heading back to the Blue Mountains (NSW) on a couple of occasions for numerous meetings. I am also excited to be partnered with "New Life Collective" in Gympie. We continue to run weekly outreachs and now embark on monthly music and ministry meetings in the town park. I would invite you to please pray for these opportunities.

All Glory to God

On a personal note, I am so grateful for the daily abiding presence of the Lord. Something has shifted (as they say) in the last month or so. The runway is clear; momentum continues to build. I am blessed to have a beautiful family and a supportive family of believers. The topic on the Lord's heart is 'relationship'. He is, at His core, relational, and so too are we. Thank you for walking faithfully in the counsel of the Holy Spirit, daily. Be encouraged. When we preach the Gospel, we don't just share information; we share an invitation for an impartiatoin. We offer a personal encounter with the living God; His Name is Jesus.

I pray blessing upon your endvours as you seek the face of Jesus. I pray you prosper and are in health and wholeness, in Jesus name.

J-L Rathbone


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